Metadata Panel

By default, when the Actions panel opens for a selected content item in the Content Manager, the Metadata panel is open. The Metadata panel houses information about the content item in a vertical pane. You use this panel to find out basic details about your content item and to make use of quick functions.

Metadata Panel

The metadata panel contains metadata relating to the content item that you selected in the CMS. Note that its appearance differs slightly for each of the app types. This example is of a presentation, hence the Present icon (green arrow) and the Slides sidebar to the right of the panel:

Opening the Metadata panel

The Metadata panel is the default view in the Actions panel. You can open it by selecting the Metadata icon or Actions context menu for a content item that is selected in the CMS. For more information, see Actions Panel.

Panel details

Quick Functions

These functions (purple box) allow users to perform some actions on their selected content item. The functions include:

Refresh Snapshot

This function tells the system to redraw the snapshot thumbnail for the selected content item. The new snapshot uses the content item's latest design and layout as its preview (called a thumbnail snapshot) in the metadata panel. The Refresh Snapshot function uses the Camera icon and is only available where the content item is from Discover, Illustrate, Tabulate, Present, and Publish. Click the icon to regenerate the snapshots; this may take several minutes.


The snapshot (orange arrow) is displayed when a content item is viewed in the Content Manager. It works as a preview for users navigating the content items, typically showing the cover or first page of the content item to give the user a quick impression of its content.

  • Click here for more about refreshing snapshots in Present
  • Click here for more about refreshing snapshots in Publish

Information pane

The information pane is shown by default and contains metadata about the item:

  • The content item's name and type (green arrow).
  • The content item's basic metadata (blue box), including its:
    • Folder location.
    • Creation details (by whom and when).
    • Last Modification details (by whom and when).
    • Description as set when saved or changed. This also includes an option to edit the description (blue arrow).
  • Ratings: This panel lets users rate a content item and see the overall rating for the content from all users. (See User Recommended content.)
  • Item ID: The unique identifier for the content item. This ID can be copied (purple arrow) for use in embedding, jump actions, admin diagnostics, and so on.

Query timeline

The Query timeline (brown arrow) charts an overview of usage over time. It is only shown for Discover, Present, and Publish content:

  • In Discover, the timeline shows the query being run over time.
  • In Present and Publish, the timeline shows discoveries being incorporated and then run over time. This includes at presentation runtime and when the publication is built.

Where the presentation or publication does not incorporate a discovery, then No Usage Data is displayed in place of the timeline.

Tagging pane

The Tagging tab (yellow arrow) lets the user access the Tag Manager for the content item; where they can add, edit, or remove associated tags as needed.

Slides Sidebar

For Present items, the side bar is shown with all the thumbnails of the slides in the Present dashboard (yellow box). Clicking on a specific slide in this panel opens the Present file for editing at that slide.